Circles and Lines at Le Poisson Rouge, Tuesday, September 1st @ 10PM

On Tuesday September First, the composer group Circles and Lines, will be performing at Le Poisson Rouge.  What is great about this performance, other than the other four composers all being awesome, is that my piece, The Cure at Troy will be on the program.  A description of the work and some of the logistics on how I’ve managed to put the piece together are here.

This is a wonderful opportunity and I thank the people at Le Poisson Rouge for taking chances on new music.  It is currently a niche market and there is still a large stigma against contemporary classical music in the general population, making it seemingly a risky business.  Here is the link to where you can buy tickets for the show.  As I get more materials for LPR together there will be a description on the page etc.  Once our group gets a graphic together for our website’s front page, I’ll put up a link to that as well.  Wish me luck in the rehearsal and organizing process!

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